Politics has got so out of hand
I think it’s time we speak
Where our leaders lasted decades
Now they’re out in just a week
First Boris with his parties and simply no respect
Then came that woman Truss with her… well..what the HELL did we expect?
It’s us to blame, not them, you see for our steep and sad demise
And for these woeful shows of leadership
Just pillage in disguise
How the hell did we arrive here, down this shameful bloody road?
Don’t we still remember Churchill and a time we had a code?
(Of honour, decency and self-respect?
It wasn’t so long ago!)
So what’s happened to these majestic isles
With all their history, Kings and Queens?
That they’ve given way, and fallen prey, to this clique of lesser beings.
If politics was there to serve us Brits
It’s not that way no more
This sorry bunch that govern us
Aren’t fit to mop our floors
That’s exactly what they’re doing though
At the expense of you and me!
So, better wake up and reclaim our country
From these shameless wanabees!