Creole Soul
Often wondered what makes our nation
More than just a spark of creation?
Not just colliding atoms or random chance
That gathers us here to honour our past
And the way our society has been cast
Upon the waters of an Ocean, as one.
What’s the force behind this electric fusion
Of Chinese, Indians, Europeans and Eurasians
Ever pondered the origin of this amazing family?
Who defied colonization, war and the yoke of slavery
To forge from many, multi-coloured strands
A unified people, one flag – one brand!
To resonate clear across the planet
(Seychelles, the tiny giant that grew from a hamlet)
Made up of early settlers, retainers and slaves
And countless others who went to their graves
In the struggle to make of this island a nation
One today enjoying worldwide appreciation
For its beauty, heart and island flair
Where islands are magic and nature is rare
A sanctuary where moutya is in the beat
And what makes you a Creole – is what you eat!
But this is just a glimpse of the ways we roll
Because you’ll need Time, patience and a very long pole
To plumb the depths of the Creole soul.